Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Idiot Boy

In Wordsworth's, The Idiot Boy, the reader is left in great suspense throughout poem. When Johnny does not return with the doctor, and neither the doctor nor his mother can find him, the reader must wonder if the mother's friend will be able to make it as time is running out. The disappearance of Johnny also has the audience wondering. Though the "idiot boy" was not the best candidate for the task to find the doctor, one must believe that is mother had enough faith in him to send him on that journey. This led me to wonder: What could the "idiot boy" possibly be doing or have been distracted by from such an important task? As the story progresses, we learn that the mother finds the pony and her son captivated by a waterfall. Though Johnny had never returned with the doctor, his mother is ecstatic to be reunited with him and says, "Oh! Johnny, never mind the Doctor;/ You've done your best, and that is all" (406-407). There are two things in this poem that at first surprised me, but made more sense when I finished. The first is that Johnny was mesmerized by something so simple relative to the present situation. The waterfall and the surrounding atmosphere seem so simple, but, as we have learned throughout this class, can have powerful effects on the mind and spirit (in this case, no matter who's mind they are affecting). The second is that the mother was so pleased with her son's effort, regardless of the end result. Though I'm sure she would've liked to seen her son succeed in returning with the doctor, she was proud of his efforts being mentally challenged. I also believe this was due to the mother being so caught up in the moment of finding her son after many hours.

Anyone who has participated in or witnessed the Special Olympics can relate to this story. Though, relative to the majority of professional sports, the end result may not always be an amazing accomplishment, the effort and heart put in by the athletes is truly inspiring.

I have included an inspiring YouTube video. In the video, the narrator states, "because there is not effort without error and shortcomings".

Side note: Though a lot longer than the previous poem, Kubla Khan, I found this poem a much easier read. As I read, I found myself asking more questions to myself and making more connections to the subjects discussed in class. I'm glad I realized this evidence that my knowledge and skills have improved since the beginning of the semester.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kubla Khan

To be completely honest, I could not begin to interpret this poem. I guess I could sit here and try to make connections and make sense his work, but I would be going in circles, constantly questioning myself. I guess this is why I am a science major. In science, I understand everything much more clearly, everything is concrete and there is always a right and a wrong. In poetry, there are usually several interpretations (which could be "correct") of a same line or story. I think I have a hard time grasping this concept. This class definitely has challenged me to go deeper than just the words written on the page, but this is a tough one.

Back to Kubla Khan, through a little research I did find out that Coleridge was an opium addict and most likely under the influence of drugs when he wrote this poem. Maybe that's why I am having such a hard time understanding his descriptive language and imagery. Or maybe this poem wasn't even meant to be "understood" but left for complete interpretation by the reader; a poem to make your own (high or sober).

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Frost at Midnight

In this poem, Coleridge finds himself lost in his imagination due to his solitude, the extreme silence, and his son quietly sleeping by his side. Although not much going on around him he still summarizes the atmosphere by saying, "This populous village! Sea, hill, and wood, / With all the numberless goings-on of life". I believe his statement regarding the "populous village" refers to the many thoughts (past, present, and future) that run through his mind while being in such solitude and silence. It is obviously not describing the current surroundings, but the potential for deep imagination in his state of mind. Through his son's eyes and the sight of his old school he is able to recall his childhood and the connection with nature he has had throughout his life. He also makes a connection with his son first describing his upbringings and then proceeds to say, "But thou my babe! shalt wander like a breeze". Here Coleridge sees the future of his son, growing up as he once did, deeply connecting with nature. Using this connection and appreciation they both will have as his son grows older, one could only imagine the depth of their extensive imagination.

Like Colridge, I too have found myself in such an atmosphere and state of mind. A recent hobby I have taken up has brought me to places with much history. Last week I visited an old military fort on the shores of Lake Michigan. This place is quiet now, and only spirits of those who once lived there dwell. As darkness fell, the silence of my surroundings gave me a somewhat erie feeling. The silence drew thoughts to my imagination that I have never really experienced before. As it got late, I started back towards my car and in my mind I started to see images of men standing in-line preparing for battle. This connection with silence/solitude can be related to Coleridge's feelings as he sat in his cottage. Though no imagination was drawn to my childhood, I felt I saw the area through the eyes as a soldier once did. I have included an image of what someone might picture if they saw the military fort as I did.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lines Left upon a Seat in a Yew-Tree

In this poem the Yew-Tree symbolizes the beauty of nature one should appreciate. Wordsworth tells us that the tree "stands far from all human dwelling" on a beautiful coast that "lull(s) the mind". In the first section of the poem (lines 1-7), the atmosphere is briefly described and in the second part the reaction and feelings of the Traveller are told. The description of the Traveller's feelings toward the nature tells us that he is a man who does not appreciate anything outside of his own being; he is somewhat of an egoist. He is described as "The man, whose eye/ Is ever on himself".
In my own opinion, I relate this man to someone who rejects faith, someone who refuses they need an outside source or higher power to obtain happiness or inner peace. Therefore, the Yew-Tree can be seen as a symbol in which someone can appreciate and have compassion towards (this can be related back to my previous post about Pantheism, where God and Nature are viewed as the same power). I think religion in general is the accepting and believing in a higher power in order to better the quality of one's life. This is a quality the the Traveller does not have.

I have included a picture of a beautiful Yew-Tree in a cemetery, a symbol of God or Nature that most can appreciate. It looks almost magical.